Jan 31Liked by Boruch Clinton

For a list of Lakewood elementary schools see here https://issues.thevoiceoflakewood.com/3dissue/092823/index.html pg. 188 and 192.

What did you mean by "the important schools"? How can you know the real number if you leave out some schools?

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That's a useful list. Thanks.

By "important schools" I meant those with more than a few dozen students - even without those schools we'd probably catch bad data. And in fact, it turns out that that data in its current form isn't reliable: some pretty large schools were indeed missing from the NCES data. When I reported a duplicate entry for Lakewood Cheder School to the agency, they told me that it was likely that there would be missing schools.

Someone pointed me to https://www.niche.com/k12/search/ which has NCES data but has added many more schools - possibly all of them. I contacted Niche to see if I could purchase their complete dataset of Jewish schools, but they never got back to me. I tried scraping the data off the site, but that was taking me far too long.

So for now, the most reliable demographic data we've got is from NJSHAD (as I noted in my https://darchecha.substack.com/p/connecting-jewish-life-and-shidduchim follow-up article). That shows pretty conclusively that there's no shidduch gap in 08701 at least.

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Jan 31Liked by Boruch Clinton

You can also try contacting the LSTA of Lakewood.

For NY you can try contacting OJPAC. See here https://ojpac.org/updates/the-growth-of-the-orthodox-jewish-community-in-new-york-state-over-the-last-twenty-years

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Did you get the email I sent you last night?

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I don't think so. Try the office@marbitz.com address.

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