"..they’re somehow achieving their life’s mission through a half-asleep Daf Yomi shiur"
This seems very unkind. Such people have about 45 minutes to learn something after a long hard day. Perhaps you would rather they learn something else for 45 minutes, but they are not achieving a good part of their life's mission with Limud HaTorah?
You're certainly correct that any Torah is better than no Torah and that there can be mesiras nefesh even in a half-asleep shiur. I didn't mean to take anything away from that kind of learning.
But we should at least aspire to something more than that.
"..they’re somehow achieving their life’s mission through a half-asleep Daf Yomi shiur"
This seems very unkind. Such people have about 45 minutes to learn something after a long hard day. Perhaps you would rather they learn something else for 45 minutes, but they are not achieving a good part of their life's mission with Limud HaTorah?
You're certainly correct that any Torah is better than no Torah and that there can be mesiras nefesh even in a half-asleep shiur. I didn't mean to take anything away from that kind of learning.
But we should at least aspire to something more than that.