Oct 5, 2023·edited Oct 5, 2023Liked by Boruch Clinton

Putting aside the government's role in all this, is there real world evidence it would be effective? Hungary offers such a program, their fertility rate did go up I believe but not a whole lot.

Furthermore, I would start by removing incentives the government gives against marriage, such as paying women to stay single if they have children. I don't believe it's an issue of money or of work life balance, or else Sweden would have a much higher fertility. It's clearly an issue of values.

This is a recent paper on Pro Natalist policies in Eastern Europe. I'd take the finding with a grain of salt since a lot of research is biased but the real world effects need to be looked at, not just circular chickens in a vacuum.


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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

Collapse of civilization and the decrease of IQ in the general population is not likely to benefit the Jews. It will make the Jewish influence, domination and malfiesance more prominent and with the weaking of the wealfare state undermine the foundations of the current lifestyle of many rapidly growing Orthodox communities. With the rise of racial and religious conflicts, identity politics, populism, social strife and instability the level of antisemitism is likely to rise as well and the Jews will likely find themselves in a familiar historical environment. Our history is written by our genes and for the duration of it we have been a foreign element in the society of the host nations. No people like to be dominated, even if it is mostly a perception, by a foreign minority and the history will repeat itself.

Is it good for the country that I'm living in? - is the proper question to be asking, not 'Is it good for the Jews'.

None of this is relevant to the Aimish who just want to be left alone to live their simple pure lives.

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Great article btw! All this initiative would do Is increase child abuse exponentially as many who are not interested in raising kids will have one.

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Oct 5, 2023·edited Oct 5, 2023

My dear friend, this post misses the mark and has terrible suggestions.

'Similar to how Christians came to dominate the Roman Empire. These groups reject many of the dominant world culture’s cherished values, including innovation and open debate. '

Barking up the wrong tree. The problem is that the European nations and demographics which have created the modern free technological society are not reproducing. The other races do not have this problem. It just happens to be that the European races are genetically superior and have higher IQs and this what enabled them to advance. Bringing black, brown and Asian races to the Western world is ruining it, because people create the culture, the culture doesn't create people. Giving financial incentives will only increase the desgenic reproduction of the non-european races. Government subsidies have already been doing this for decades.

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