Understanding Opinions in the Frum Community
Share your thoughts about where you get your Jewish news and insights in a quick survey
The Orthodox community is changing and you can help us understand how.
People who have grown up since, say, 1990, are living very different lives than their parents. Most members of previous generations experienced much smaller communities where individuals counted, Torah institutions often struggled to attract students, and there was a whole lot less money flying around.
And - it must not be forgotten - back in 1990 the internet was mostly unknown and ignored. News about the Jewish community didn't travel so fast and so far as it does now. The few frum newspapers and magazines published editions only once a week or month. Someone looking for insights and commentary about the state of things didn't have a lot of choices. We knew a lot less about each other and about the communities where we lived.
Which is all a long-winded way of saying that modern life is really complicated and the public mood is really hard to assess. But if Torah leaders are going to lead effectively, community institutions are going to serve those who need help, and Jewish publications are going accurately and capably inform, then they'll need to understand the people they're leading, serving, and informing.
We're therefore asking you to take a short survey where you can share your thoughts about where your opinions come from in 2022. This isn't so much about who you are, but how you think and what inspires you.
Wherever you grew up and whenever you were born, we're very interested in hearing about what's working for you and what could be better.
The survey should take you less than ten minutes to complete. All answers are anonymous and no personally identifiable information is collected.
We plan to publish insights drawn from the survey results right here on the B'chol Darchecha site.